They say yu never know what yu got til it's gone. Well baby, "I tried to told ya"/ My love for yu was deep, so I tried to stay strong. But, yu wouldn't let me hold yu/ && all those nights i longed for yu left me w. tears pouring lyke rain/ while i've moved on, the past is haunting yu, so now.. yu feel my pain/ everything yu said sound so good to me, but i culdnt help but wonder if its lies/ remember the times yu made love to me? did yu see the hurt in my eyes/ did yu know i was giving my all to yu ? cuz yu damn sure threw it away/ did yu know another nigga culdnt stand tall to yu ? or were yu busy w. other women all day/ one man's trash is another man's treaure, i wish yu knew my worth b4 all of these letters/ one man's pain is another man's pleasure, so he dusted me off && vowed to treat me better/ Hakuna Matata tho, your day is sure to come so baby please hold on/ u'll have to go through alot of hoes b4 finding a queen to sit on ur thrown/ remember that yu will always have a friend in me, whenever, from dusk till dawn/ but the girl who was once madly in love with yu told me to tell yu She's Gone !