Her Name . . . is Cupcake


I Want to Fall

I want to fall so deep that it envelopes all of me from head to toe, not an inch, not a centimeter of me left uncovered. I want to fall so hard that it leaves me scarred, permanently, I don't want to ever get rid of the proof that I've fallen. I want people to look at me and see what has happened to me. I want to inspire others to fall. When I fall I want to fall forever, a never ending fall that is so blissful that I can't help but start my fall all over again. I want to fall into eyes that can see my soul, into a soul that can touch my heart, into a heart that beats for my life, into a life that cherishes my fall. I want to fall a fall that never fails, that never tarnishes, that never breaks. I want to fall knowing that the one I'm falling for is falling too. Even though my passion is to fall long and hard, I know that it will be pain free, a fall that is only meant for me. No one will ever be able to fall the way that I've fallen, it won't measure up, it won't feel the same, the effects of the fall won't set them free. I want to fall in rhythm, to a melody, to a tone, to a beat that matches the one of his heart. I want to fall rapidly, slowly, obliviously, and knowingly. With the passion of a painter who has spotted the perfect muse, the excitement of an artist who just got airplay, the joy of a writer who has just been published. I want the fall to swallow me whole like his oversized sweatshirt, drench me like running in the rain hand in hand without an umbrella, capture me like a snapshot of him kissing me deeply with no remorse. I want the fall to lead to a door that is him, and reveal all that is me. I want to fall... in love.

Until Fingers Meet Keys: